
Domus Hominis Ludentis


Feh Map Editor 1.0 (English)

A map editor for Fire Emblem Heroes
Author: araragi.hoozuki@yandex.ru (Lohengriny)


  • root/Face: Face Images(from assets/common/face)
  • root/Field: Map backgrounds(from assets/common/field)
  • root/SRPG/Person: Unit files(from assets/common/srpg/person)
  • root/SRPG/Enemy: Enemy files(from assets/common/srpg/enemy)
  • root/SRPG/Skill: Skill files(from assets/common/srpg/skill)
  • root/UI: Ui(from assets/common/ui, MiniFace.png, Skill_Passive.png and Status.png are needed)
  • root/Data: text files(Located in language folder, eg. assets/USEN/Message/Data)
    Just copy these files from game folder(com.nintendo.zaba/files/assets/)


  • netcore 5.0
  • 700+ MB RAM (Because of face image cache, too lazy to improove this XDD)


Load Map

Click “Load SRPGMap”,and select a map file(map files are placed at assets/common/srpgmap/*.bin.lz), it is recommended to select maps whose name starts with S, which are story maps.

Terrain Edit

  • Field id: Backgroud image name,relaod map if changed.
  • Selected Coordiante: x, y value of selected tile
  • Terrain Type: Just terrain type…

Unit edit

  • Unit Id: Double click and select an unit. Delete this to delete an unit
  • Lv: level
  • Tlv: true level
  • SpecialCD: 255 for default, 0 for special ready
  • HP etc: Has a cap of 99。When you select a unit in the “unit id” slot, these field will be automatically filled.
  • Is Enemy?: 0 for ally,1 for enemy
  • Skills: Double click to open skill list window,and double click to select a skill


Click “Save Map” to save your edited map,the program needs overwrite the original file. So do not rename, move or delete the original map file.

